City Hall 785-546-2205
113 N. Washington, P.O. Box 401
Evergy Customer Service 800-383-1183
Electrical Outage 800-544-4857
Kansas Gas Service Customer Service 800-794-4780
Gas Leaks 888-482-4950
Call Before You Dig (811) 800-344-7233
MTC 620-897-6200
KASINET 800-241-8175 or 785-227-3241
Note: Trash is picked up early Thursday morning by trucks from the McPherson Area Solid Waste Utility, McPherson, Kansas. Place your polycart facing the street on top of the curb. You are allowed one extra bundle.
If there is a Federal holiday on or preceding Thursday, trash will be picked up on the following day.
Recycling bins are located in a fenced area 2 blocks east of the elementary school on Phillips Street . There are bins for newspapers, tin cans, aluminum cans, milk jugs, clear plastic bottles, green plastic bottles, plastic HDPE2 containers, clear glass, and brown glass.
There is a city-owned limb and grass dump one-half mile northwest of the city limits.
The City of Marquette sponsors a city-wide cleanup for unwanted items during the month of April. Dumpsters are placed in the City Tree and Limb Dump. No tires or chemicals are accepted.
All other materials may be taken to the McPherson County Landfill near McPherson, Kansas during the remainder of the year.